1B 葉蕙蕎 榮獲多項獎項殊榮

2021-05-31 (星期一)

1B 葉蕙蕎 榮獲本港及國外多項獎項


亞洲音樂家大賽 優異獎

香港演藝精英盃2020藝術創作大賽 “SECOND Grade Award in Painting – Children Junior”

優才盃中文硬筆書法比賽2021 特等獎

樂在畫中 兒童及青少年繪畫大賽2021 銅獎

International competition “good For tune” The Offical international competitions in Europe, The standing European Committee on Culture, Science and Education of the Legislative Assembly of Euro Media Star Group VATICAN.STATO DELLA CITA DEL VATICANO . FEBRUARY 14, 2021  DIPLOMA LAUREATE ll PRIXC

The official International Competitions in Europe International Competition “FLY Dolphin” Athens. Greece. March 24 2021. Personal 2021037703. Certified correct The Offical international competitions in Europe The standing European Committee on Culture, Science and Education of the Legislative Assembly of Euro Media Star Group DIPLOMA Athens Laureate I Prix , ip Wai Kiu HemeraS

Po Yan Oblate Primary School
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