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Subject and object pronouns

Grammar notes



Pronouns are used to replace nouns.
 nouns   pronouns

   Tom/  Mr Lee  /   my brother


 Susan  /    the girl


 the cat   the apple


 Susan and I


 Tom and Peter /  the cats / the apples



Here are the subject and object pronouns:
  Subject Object
Singular  I 










Plural we








   He is Peter
   It is a bird.
   This is his cat. The cat belongs to him.
   That is their carIt belongs to them.
   My friends and I are hungry.  We are going to eat now.


Possessive Adjectives ( my, your)


Pronouns Possessive Adjectives
I my
You your
He his
She her
It its
We our
They their
We use my, your etc. with nouns 

           e.g. my hands       his pen       their house

   Examples :

              Peter and his sister are playing.

              I have a plum. This is my plum.

              What is your mother's name? Her name is Mary.

              They were cleaning their rooms.              


Possessive Pronouns ( mine, yours) 


Pronouns Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns
I my mine
You your yours
He his his
She her hers
It its its
We our ours
They their theirs
We use mine/ yours etc. instead for my book, your pencil etc.

           e.g. My pencil is on the desk. Where is yours?  (yours = your pencil)

                  This is my pen. It's mine.  (mine = my pen)

We use possessive pronouns in comparative sentences.

          e.g. Our cat is smaller than theirs.  (theirs = their cat)

                 Your house is bigger than his.  (his = his house


Reflexive  Pronouns 

Look at this table :

Subject Pronouns Object  Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns
I me myself
You you yourself
He him himself
She her herself
It it itself
We us ourselves
They them theirselves


We use myself, yourself etc. to refer to the subject.
We also use them to show that the subject did the action, not another person.
e.g  I bought myself a beautiful dres

               I saw myself in the mirror.

               He did the homework himself  




Level 1

Exercise  1 Exercise  2

 Level 2

Exercise  1 Exercise  2

 Level 3

Exercise  1 Exercise  2

 Level 4

Exercise  1 Exercise  2

   Level 5

Exercise  1 Exercise  2

   Level 6

Exercise  1 Exercise  2