Singular and Plural nouns
notes Practice
 | We form plural nouns by adding - s : |
Singular |
Plural |
a book |
two cups |
one dog |
three dogs |
the window |
the windows |
a pen |
some pens |
 | We form some plural nouns differently: |
Singular |
Plural |
man |
men |
child |
children |
foot |
feet |
tooth |
teeth |
mouse |
mice |
woman |
women |
 | We form some plural nouns by adding -es. |
Singular |
Plural |
bus |
buses |
watch |
watches |
box |
boxes |
potato |
potatoes |
wish |
wishes |
 | We form some plural nouns by adding - ies
Singular |
Plural |
lorry |
lorries |
city |
cities |
family |
families |
country |
countries |
 | We form some plural nouns by adding - ves
Singular |
Plural |
wife |
wives |
knife |
knives |
wolf |
wolves |
Level 1
Level 2

Countable and Uncountable Nouns
notes Practice
 | Most nouns have singular and plural forms : |
buses; dog/ dogs; man/ men
 | We call these countable nouns because we can
count them |
one pen; two pencils; three men
 | Some nouns have one form and cannot be counted.
We call them uncountable nouns. |
water, bread, money, rain, milk
 | We cannot use a, an or numbers before uncountable
nouns. |
Level 5